
Discover the precision of Cedex Bio® Analyzer and Cedex® Bio HT Analyzer

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Discover the precision of Cedex Bio® Analyzer and Cedex® Bio HT Analyzer

In the rapidly evolving field of biotechnology, precision and reliability in process analytics are crucial.. The Cedex Bio® Analyzer and the Cedex® Bio HT Analyzer are two instruments that set the standard in this domain Designed by Roche CustomBiotech, these analysers offer advanced solutions for metabolite testing in cell culture and fermentation processes, enabling precise monitoring of your bioprocess.

The Cedex Bio® Analyzer is well-known for its precision, versatility, and capability to measure a wide range of analytes critical for bioprocess monitoring. For laboratories with higher throughput needs, the Cedex® Bio HT Analyzer offers enhanced processing capabilities without compromising on accuracy. These systems not only streamline workflows but also integrate seamlessly with existing Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS), making them indispensable in modern labs.

Whether you're running a small research facility or a large biopharmaceutical company, understanding the capabilities and technical specifications of these analysers is important. Below, we answer some of the most frequently asked questions about the Cedex Bio® Analyzer and Cedex® Bio HT Analyzer, providing insights into how these tools can optimise and enhance your biotechnological applications.

Cedex Bio HT Analyzer

What range of analytes can the Cedex Bio Analyzer measure?

The Cedex Bio Analyzer is capable of measuring a wide range of analytes including glucose, lactate, ammonia, glutamine, glutamate, sodium, potassium, and many other key substances that are crucial for biotechnological applications. This broad spectrum of assays enables diverse applications in quality control and in the monitoring of bioprocesses.

How accurate and reliable are the measurements provided by the Cedex Bio Analyzer?

The Cedex Bio Analyzer is well-known for its high accuracy and reliability in measurements, which are crucial for maintaining stringent quality standards in bioprocessing. This level of precision ensures that users can depend on the data to make well-informed decisions.

Can the analyser integrate with existing laboratory information management systems (LIMS)?

Yes, the Cedex Bio Analyzer seamlessly integrates with existing Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS), facilitating smooth data management and workflow integration in professional lab environments. This LIMS compatibility is a key feature for labs looking to maintain efficient, accurate records and processes.

What is the throughput capacity and processing speed of the Cedex Bio Analyzer?

The Cedex Bio Analyzer offers impressive throughput capacities and processing speeds that can meet the demands of both routine and intensive applications. Specifically, the Cedex Bio HT Analyzer variant is designed for higher throughput requirements, making it an excellent choice for larger labs.

How does the analyser handle sample preparation and management?

The Cedex Bio Analyzer is designed for easy and efficient sample management. The system includes automated sample handling to reduce human error and increase analysis throughput, which is crucial for high-volume testing.

What are the maintenance requirements and costs associated with the Cedex Bio Analyzer?

The Cedex Bio Analyzer's maintenance requirements are minimal, making it a cost-effective solution for many labs. Regular calibration and occasional servicing help ensure sustained accuracy and performance. Detailed maintenance guides and support are available.

Are there any specific training or qualifications required to operate the analyser?

Operator training for the Cedex Bio is straightforward and requires minimal time to ensure proficiency. Roche CustomBiotech's training sessions cover all the necessary aspects to equip users with the skills needed to operate the analyser effectively.

What technical support and warranties are provided with the purchase?

Each purchase of the Cedex Bio Analyzer comes with comprehensive technical support and warranties that ensure continued assistance and coverage for any technical issues, providing peace of mind and dependable service throughout the life of the product.

How does the Cedex Bio Analyzer compare to similar products in terms of functionality and cost?

In terms of functionality and cost, the Cedex Bio Analyzer stands out by offering a superior balance of high-performance metrics and cost-efficiency compared to competitors. This balance makes it an attractive option for many biotechnological applications.

What are the physical dimensions and power requirements for the Cedex Bio Analyzer?

The physical dimensions of the Cedex Bio Analyzer are designed to be compact enough for benchtop use while still accommodating all necessary components for full functionality. Power requirements are standard for laboratory equipment, ensuring easy integration into any lab setting.

Elevate your laboratory's potential with Cedex Bio® Analyzers

The Cedex Bio® Analyzer and Cedex® Bio HT Analyzer from Roche CustomBiotech, available through I&L Biosystems, are advanced tools for analytical work in the biotechnology field. With their advanced capabilities, these analysers offer unparalleled accuracy, efficiency, and ease of integration, making them ideal for various applications from academic research to commercial bioprocessing. As you aim to improve the accuracy and efficiency of your laboratory operations, consider integrating these innovative solutions into your workflow to achieve success.

For more detailed information or to request a demo, please visit our product pages or contact your local account manager. Embrace the future of bioprocessing with the Cedex Bio® Analyzer and Cedex® Bio HT Analyzer—where technology meets precision.

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